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Welcome to The League of Women Voters Online Sprawl Slide Show. First, let us explain how the Online Show works:

  • Use the arrow buttons arrow
buttons (see below) to move forwards or backwards in the show, or to the first or last slide of the entire show. (Note that on this page, the "back" arrows are darkened and do not function because this is the first slide; there is no previous slide.)

  • Use the Index button index button below to go back to the Index page (the "table of contents") where you can skip to any "chapter" you wish.

  • The Home button home button below returns you to the League of Women Voters Sprawl Home page.

  • Click on the slide image (above) to view a larger version of the slide. This will open a new window containing the larger image, leaving the presentation undisturbed in the background. Close the new window to proceed with the show. (Try it now, if you like!)

  • On some slides you will see a link below the slide number at the bottom of the page. Clicking on that link will open a new window that will take you either to a related website or to a page that gives the sources of the information on which we based the slide or script. Just remember to close the window to get back to the show. This puts a lot of information at your fingertips. Enjoy!

  • If you need help at any time, click the Help button help button below for detailed instructions. The help page opens in a new window, leaving the slide show in the background, just like the larger slide image window. (Try it now!)

That's it! (please proceed to the next slide by clicking the forward-arrow button next button below).

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